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Information You Need to Know About Shared Hosting

Shared web hosting is now the most popular form of hosting available. However, if you are the kind of user who needs control over your site, then shared hosting is not for you. On the other hand, for people who want nothing but the space to be used for their websites and do not want do the maintenance, then this form of hosting is the one that would fit their needs. One of the features of shared hosting is the user-friendly Control Panel, cPanel is the most popular among these, which can easily be appreciated for the people who are just starting out with online business, specifically web hosting.

The fact is, all of the hosting companies offer this kind of hosting service to their customers because not everyone needs a dedicated server. For example, people who just want to run a blog or a business website and are not well-acquainted with web hosting will surely want a shared hosting package. Thus, it can be noted and this is a hosting in a smaller scale. Of course, the opposite of this is quite big enough for bloggers who manage a site or two.

Now, there are two basic ways that shared web hosting can be done and operate; the Name-based and the IP-based;

Name-based Shared Hosting – in webhosting world, it is called the “IP hosting” because there are large numbers of hostnames which use the same IP address. In short, there are hundreds, thousands or even millions of users who are using the same IP address and the same server, therefore, shared. One of the advantages of this is the ease of use for the users. However, there is no specific IP or dedicated IP assigned to your website.

IP-based Shared Hosting – it is the mere opposite of the name-based shared hosting. Technically, it is being referred to as “Dedicated IP hosting” because the user is given his virtual web host and has his own IP address. Therefore, for this kind of hosting, an exclusive IP address will be assigned to his websites and is not shared with anyone else. One of the advantages is that the user will certainly have an exclusive SSL certificate instead of a shared one.

Nowadays, almost all hosting companies offer unlimited disk space so you do not have to worry of running out of space in your web server. Together with is the unlimited bandwidth to make sure that your website is up and running all year round. Now, it is up to you to choose between the two kinds of shared hosting. You may also conduct a research and find the Best Hosting Deals which suit your online needs.


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