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Web Hosting Guide For a Beginner

Web hosting is a service provided by a company that lets private people or businesses make and put up their own website online. These companies offer their services by using machines that store the information of their customer’s websites. Each customer is given a portion of the host’s space, allowing viewers from across the world to visit the customers’ site. The following points in this guide are perfect for any beginning website owner.

Guide Point 1: Free Dedicated Hosting

The first part of this guide discusses the subject many website newbies want more information on–free dedicated hosting. Although the types of services provided are many in number, they all boil down to the free or paid category. Of course, if your budget constraints are tight, free hosting is definitely the way to go, especially for individuals or starting businesses.

Web Hosting Guide Point 2: Paid Dedicated Hosting

On the other hand, paid dedicated hosting is perfect for larger, established businesses that need extra space and specialized features for their websites. Also, paid hosting means your web pages will not be cluttered with mandatory advertisements, which is something potential customers have no interest in seeing.

Web Hosting Guide Point 3: Selecting Paid Hosting

There are tons of paid companies floating around the internet these days. However, when it comes to price, the amount of money you will need to spend directly relates to the kinds of options you want.

Web Hosting Guide Point 4: Shared Hosting

If you want the benefits of paid hosting, but do not have the budget to afford them, you can always register for shared hosting. A shared host post hundreds of web pages on one machine and each web page shares a single IP address. Shared hosting is much cheaper than paid dedicated hosting and still has many advantages.

Web Hosting Guide Point 5: Web Hosting Features

All types of web hosting come with tons of features, such as storage space for your files, multimedia and otherwise. Generally, you can expect to receive 1GB of space for your website; however, the more expensive packages offered by web hosts will provide you with up to 100GB or more.

Web Hosting Guide Point 6: Email Address

You can opt for a personalized email address, which is great for people running an online business. These addresses are specific to your domain name and sound much more professional than a free email account. And of course, customers will feel as if you are a trustworthy, reliable company they can be secure in doing business with.

Web Hosting Guide Point 7: Bandwidth

The last point of this guide encompasses bandwidth. Bandwidth is simply a monthly measurement of the traffic flow coming into your website. So the higher your monthly bandwidth allotment is, the easier people can look at your site and the faster the files on your site will load. Different packages offer different bandwidth amounts.


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